
Man sitting next to medical equipment

Mike Shtur - NK Biomedical Engineering Alumnus

"The work we do is essential, and the equipment in my wheelhouse is critical in a time like this [COVID-19 pandemic],Mike Shtur说, field service engineer with GE Healthcare. 在这张照片中, Shtur tends to medical equipment at 所有egheny Health Network's Saint Vincent Hospital in Erie, Pa. Shtur赢得了一个 biomedical engineering technology and electrical engineering technology associate degrees from Penn State 新肯辛顿.

Man sits near hospital equipment

科里诺顿 - 新肯辛顿 BET Alumnus

科里诺顿, 2017 Penn State alumnus from the 新肯辛顿 campus, sits near hospital equipment at Indiana Regional Medical Center in Indiana, PA. Norton is one of three biomedical engineering technologists working through the COVID-19 pandemic at the hospital.

Kaylea电影 stands in gymnasium

Kaylea电影 - Egli Award Winner

Kaylea电影, recent Penn State graduate from the 新肯辛顿 campus, was recently named as the female recipient of the John S. Egli Outstanding Student-Athlete Award by the Penn State University 体育运动 Conference (PSUAC).

Corner LaunchBox spurs Industry 4.0倡议

Portion of 新肯辛顿 city block transformed into innovation corridor

仅2019年一年, Corner LaunchBox had 10 accelerator program graduates, supported five new startups anchored in 宾西法尼亚, and helped create 20 new jobs. More than 900 individuals utilized the facility for a variety of free and low-cost activities, including the 10-week Corner Opportunity accelerator program, 创意测试实验室, small business and entrepreneurship workshops, free legal clinics, weekly information sessions, and networking events.