
宾州大学公园. ——简·查尔顿, professor of astronomy and astrophysics in the Eberly College of Science; Richard Doyle, professor of English in the College of the Liberal Arts; and Allen Larson, associate professor of communications at 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校, have received the 校友/Student Award for Excellence in Teaching and have been named 2015 Penn State Teaching Fellows.

谁说大学没有乐趣和游戏? Charlton has combined her teaching and gaming talents to create a virtual world where students “play” their way through Astro 001: The Astronomical Universe. It’s so expansive supplemental class time isn’t required — just her guidance in a forum she’s developed.

想了解太阳系? Why not fly from planet to planet pursuing a quest to save life forms in Jupiter’s atmosphere? 或者从一个星到另一个星, collecting temperatures and luminosities before categorizing them for a future study? In Charlton’s game, she boldly goes where no one has gone before.

“My vision is to embed students in the universe and allow them to experience and explore, 通过观察周围环境自然地学习,查尔顿说, who has been teaching the traditional course for more than 20 years. She says astronomy touches people at their core because it connects to the purpose and mystery of our existence.

然而,查尔顿并不在太空中. 她通过论坛密切关注学生们的进步, notifying them of upcoming assignments and assisting with gameplay. One student said she was able to form a more personal relationship online than she does with the majority of professors within the classroom.

One student said “the game helped me stay engaged throughout the course and because of it, I learned more than I ever thought I’d know about the universe.” Another called it “definitely the most unique class I’ve ever taken at Penn State.”

不太会玩游戏? 试试这门课的另一种选择, as 13,000 students already have — a complete class taught entirely within an online science fiction novel.

Doyle calls his students “responsible participants in high velocity, 高水平, always serious and sometimes zany investigations into how we think about topics ranging from alien abduction to the King James Bible.”

He uses his personality and passion to drive his lectures so that students might, 而不是消耗知识, 发现自己内心的意义.

他的非正统方法, which one former student called a “sublime and dynamic event,无疑会给人留下深刻的印象.

“他成了我的导师和朋友, a man I still seek out 21 years later to further education on topics from a multitude of disciplines,校友说. “他从来都是我的老师,永远也不会. That is the power of his teaching ability, capacity and originality.”

Another student found his approach of not spoon-feeding lesson plans to be refreshing.

“The best teaching is found in a mutual respect and love between student and teacher,学生说. 道尔让每个学生都渴望知识. For that reason, I never missed a homework assignment or skipped a class.”

Some of Doyle’s notable classes include ENG 104: The Bible as Literature and ENG 191: Science Fiction.

拉尔森的目标是吸引他的学生. He doesn’t want them to be crossing off a list of completed assignments. He prefers they take an active approach to the learning process.

“学生需要成为见证人,”他说. “They need to be specifically seen and heard as the individual learners and thinkers that they are in order to experience their education as meaningful.”

在他的COMM 150:电影艺术课, 一般哪门课是作为总论课来教授的, 他的学生的任务是, 作为一个群体, 创作一部从脚本到最终剪辑的短片, using what they learned in the film appreciation portion of the course. This, he says, is where a genuine understanding of the course materials takes hold.

One student said Larson’s methods “demonstrated his mastery of the subject matter and his ability to effectively communicate the subject matter in a way that was both interesting and engaging.”

免费mg不朽情缘试玩校友会, in conjunction with undergraduate and graduate governing bodies, established the Award for Excellence in Teaching in 1985 to honor distinguished teaching, and provide encouragement and incentive for excellence in teaching. Recipients are expected to share their talents and expertise with others throughout the University system during the year following the award presentation.