新肯辛顿马拉松 dancers, supporters ready ‘for the kids’

Campus students heading to Bryce Jordan Center for annual marathon weekend

Displaying the traditional Four Diamonds sign, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿马拉松舞蹈演员香农·约瑟夫斯基和查德·纳瓦罗准备好了“献给孩子们”."


宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. — After months of working out in the fitness center, monitoring their food intake, and soliciting monetary donations, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的学生香农Josefoski和Chad Navarro准备在一年一度的免费mg不朽情缘试玩IFC/泛希腊舞蹈马拉松上跳舞两天, 定于二月. 17 to 19 at the Bryce Jordan Center on the University Park campus.

The philanthropic weekend, which goes by the nickname 索恩, 是一项46小时的耐力测试,以造福四钻石基金和对抗儿童癌症. 这些学生是由Ashley Worlds主持的新肯辛顿马拉松委员会选出来代表校园的.

约瑟夫斯基和纳瓦罗将日夜站立,为患有癌症的儿童筹集资金. 索恩’s mission is to defeat pediatric cancer in the world. The campus duo will be dancing “for the kids,” the traditional theme of 索恩, and raising millions of dollars for cancer research.

“I wanted to join something that is bigger than myself,纳瓦罗说, a product of Steel Valley High School. 在我看来, 索恩是你能帮助的最好的慈善组织,因为它对孩子和家庭的影响是不可思议的.”

马拉松下午6点开始.m. Friday and continues until 4 p.m. 周日. 事件, such as a pep rally and fashion shows featuring Four Diamonds children, keep the dancers enthusiastic throughout the weekend. 最后四个小时的活动包括表彰与儿童癌症作斗争的家庭以及公布筹款总额.

“我最初加入马拉松只是为了成为我们校园里一个组织的一员,约瑟夫斯基说, who attended Highlands High School. “But after my trip to University Park for my first 索恩 weekend, 我知道我想成为这个组织中更大的一部分,对受癌症影响的孩子和家庭产生更大的影响.”

Josefoski, a senior project and supply chain management major from Natrona Heights, 和纳瓦罗, a sophomore accounting major from Munhall, received a grand send-off Feb. 15 with a campus-wide “pot-luck” dinner. The marathon hoofers needed to “carbo-load” and students, 教职员工带来了各种各样的意大利面和其他高能量食品,以帮助这对夫妇跟上周末庆祝活动的步伐.

A sophomore biobehavioral health major from Kittanning, 世界将在乔丹中心的看台上监督校园的马拉松活动. Surrounded by campus supporters, the Kittanning High School graduate will develop and organize schedules, and manage shifts and breaks.

Josefoski, who also is president of the campus’ SGA, knows about running the day-to day operations of the 索恩 committee. She was last year’s 索恩 chair.

“主席的职责是确保我们的校园成员一切顺利,约瑟夫斯基说. “And most importantly to keep the spirits of our dancers up.”

这三位学生的领导素质和对服务的承诺预示着校园索恩的成功. The trio comprises almost half of the campus’ SGA’s officers. 

作为一个团队,他们参加了上学期在华盛顿特区举行的全国学生政府峰会.C. Considered the world’s largest student conference, 这个为期四天的研讨会的重点是学生领袖如何让同学们参与校园活动.

他们以身作则. When there were no classes in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. 1月. 16, Josefoski, 纳瓦罗和世界赛, along with six other campus students, 前往免费mg不朽情缘试玩费耶特分校,帮助Uniontown地区六个社区组织的日常活动.

Josefoski和Worlds去年还去了亚利桑那州的印第安人领地. 这个由11名成员组成的校园小组帮助完成了各种建筑项目,并参加了传统的纳瓦霍体验.

A first baseman on the campus baseball team, 去年12月,纳瓦罗加入了新肯辛顿救世军,帮助实现社区儿童的愿望清单. They also purchased gifts for residents of Logan Place, an assistant living facility in Lower Burrell.

Extracurricular activities are not limited to community service for Navarro. His academic endeavors also come into play.

纳瓦罗是一群商学院学生中的一员,他们参加了著名的普华永道挑战案例竞赛, 这是一个全国性的大学商业锦标赛,让学生有机会解决一些挑战商业和政府领导人的同样问题. 他的团队赢得了普华永道评委的赞扬,他们表示,该团队“准备得非常充分”, 彻底的, and great public speakers.”

Dancing “For the Kids”

校园合唱队将与来自免费mg不朽情缘试玩24个校区的700多名学生一起在乔丹中心演出. In Greek mythology, Terpsichore was the muse of dancing.

根据世界, 每个校园去大学公园跳舞的人数是根据前一年校园筹集的资金来决定的. 去年,新肯辛顿的学生筹集了1.7万美元,在学校历史上排名第七. The $52,390 raised in 2011 remains the campus standard.

这些舞者是由一个由学生组成的八人面试委员会挑选出来的, 教师, 工作人员, administrators and alumni. The selections were based on participation in campus 索恩 activities, 比如罐头, spaghetti dinners and bingo bashes.

Josefoski 和纳瓦罗 won’t be on their own once they hit the dance floor. 大学公园马拉松委员会为每位舞者指派一名道德顾问,在马拉松比赛期间照顾他们的需要. 是食物吗, 喝, 或灵感, the moraler's responsibility is to help the dancers get through the event.

In addition to the moralers, 校园里大约有50名学生和朋友在看台上支持舞者,他们将在整个马拉松比赛中营造一种乐观的气氛. Navarro was a part of last year’s campus contingent. 来自校园社区的另一个团体将提供支持,他们将在周六乘坐巴士到乔丹中心进行一日游.

A 的网上直播 will be streamed throughout the event.


新肯辛顿和免费mg不朽情缘试玩所有其他单位的最终总数将在马拉松结束时公布. In the past five years, the 新肯辛顿马拉松 committee has collected more than $200,000 to support pediatric cancer patients, families and researchers, who are working to find better treatments and, 最终, cures for forms of cancer that afflict children. Approximately 100 new families receive support each year.

自1977年以来, 索恩通过近17人的集体努力为慈善机构筹集了1.36亿美元,000 student-volunteers. 3人以上,位于好时的宾州州立儿童医院的700个家庭得到了四颗钻石基金的援助. 索恩 is believed to be the largest student-run philanthropy in the world.

“没有人应该听到你的孩子得了癌症,”Josefoski说. “我会尽我所能,确保少一个家庭听到这些话, 我要这么做.”

To give to 索恩 在线 and credit the 新肯辛顿 campus, visit 新肯辛顿马拉松.

For more information, visit 索恩 在线.



校友 and Public Relations Specialist
