
Mylinda Scott和Sonya Selvaraj在2024年宾夕法尼亚州放射技术协会技术碗中获得第一名
Two students hold trophy while smiling

Mylinda Scott, pictured left, and Sonya Selvaraj, right, 举办宾夕法尼亚放射技术协会技术碗杯. The duo, 他们都是免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校放射学二年级的学生, won the 2024 Techni-bowl competition held in Harrisburg, Pa. in March. Although other teams from the campus have placed in the past, 斯科特和塞尔瓦拉吉组成了有史以来第一支获得该项目的第一名的队伍, which started in 2010. 

Credit: Penn State New Kensington RadSci Program

NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿放射科学学生团队在2024年赢得了胜利 Pennsylvania Society of Radiological Technologists (PSRT) Techni-bowl competition held March. 迈琳达·斯科特和索尼娅·塞尔瓦拉杰都是该校的二年级学生。 two-year radiological sciences program, hoisted the first-place “Techni-bowl Cup” from the event, 恰逢PSRT年会和商务会议在哈里斯堡举行. 

“I am so very proud to say that for the first-time ever, a Penn State New Kensington team took first place at the annual Techni-bowl competition,” said Marica Curler, 新肯辛顿校区放射科学的助理教学教授和项目协调员. Last year, a campus team placed third in the event.  

This year’s competition, 该活动始于2010年,旨在促进“学生对放射技术研究的热情和展示知识”,,由13个小组组成,每队两名学生,分别来自七所拥有认可放射技术课程的教育机构. Penn State New Kensington entered two teams, the maximum team number allowed by each institution, including the duo of Scott and Selvaraj. 每个团队都有30道选择题,每个问题有10秒的时间来回答. 这些问题遵循美国放射技师注册(ARRT)的分类和内容.  

“The competition was fast-paced, which definitely had our hearts racing,” said Selvaraj, originally from Hermitage, Pennsylvania, 她还在PSRT海报和研究比赛中获得了第三名. “It took a lot of team discussion and critical thinking, but we managed to correctly answer 28 out of 30 questions.” 

Scott, who hails from State College, Pennsylvania, added, “过去一年半的努力工作和学习对我们的项目很有帮助. Sonya and I also studied prior to the competition. 让我的好朋友和我比赛是我永远不会忘记的记忆.” 

这两名学生和柯勒,还有另外13名新肯辛顿放射科学专业的一、二年级学生和玛丽·安·麦基格, lecturer and clinical coordinator of the program, at the aforementioned conference, competition and meetings. 由于学生们的筹款和向学生活动费用委员会成功提交的资金申请,一年一度的旅行成为可能. 


柯勒说:“我认为这表明他们为参加认证考试做了充分的准备. “我们的项目与其他项目不同,因为学生开始 clinical rotations three weeks of their first semester. 大量的临床时间确实提高了他们的学习,巩固了课堂上所学的知识.” 

As part of the program, Scott’s main clinical site has been AHN Forbes Hospital, a level two trauma Center, 她可以参与不同的医疗程序,比如脊柱x光和矫形手术. West Penn Hospital has been Selvaraj’s clinical site, 她说她很享受在新生儿重症监护室完成成像等任务, 以及了解大量的透视程序和成像对女性健康的影响. 

“在我接受教育的早期就获得了实践经验,这让我建立了几个月后进入职场所需的信心,” said Selvaraj.  

斯科特和塞尔瓦拉吉都认为,该项目对学生的准备, 随着该计划的100%认证考试通过率和就业率, were reasons they applied to the program. 

“As I was looking for radiological sciences programs, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校是宾夕法尼亚州西部唯一的放射技术教育联合审查委员会(JCERT)学校之一,” said Selvaraj. “我知道参加这个项目会给我提供一个很好的, 在美国得到认可的综合教育.” 


“After graduation, 我的目标是在完成学士学位的同时做一名x射线技师,” said Scott. “Then I’m hoping to enlist in the United States Air Force.” 

Selvaraj解释说:“我的目标是希望成为一名全职的放射技术专家. 我已经有几份工作了,我期待着找到最适合我的. 我还想回过头来,通过计划担任临床导师或讲师的领导角色,为未来的放射科学学生的教育做出贡献.” 

要了解更多关于免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校放射科学项目的信息,请访问 program’s webpage. 有兴趣参观校园或与教师会面的人请致电724-334-5466或联系招生办公室 [email protected].