

杰奎琳年代. 麦克劳林, 生物学副教授兼免费mg不朽情缘试玩CHANCE主任, (center) delivered an international presentation about the Penn State CHANCE program and its global impact on environmental education and conservation advocacy in Bolivia.

来源:杰奎琳. 麦克劳林

宾州大学公园. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩联邦校区有大量的科学研究项目, 技术, 本科阶段的工程和数学.

The University College at Penn State is the collective administrative umbrella for 14 of Penn State's campuses distributed throughout the commonwealth. 住在 联邦校园副校长办公室, 它包括宾夕法尼亚州立海狸, 白兰地酒, 杜波依斯, 菲也特, 更大的阿勒格尼, 黑泽尔顿, 利哈伊谷, 蒙特中音, 新肯辛顿, 斯古吉尔河, 斯克兰顿, Shenango, 威尔克斯-巴里和约克, 有8个以上,000名免费mg不朽情缘试玩学生在大学校园上课.


在大学学院进行研究的教师中有劳拉·格廷(Laura Guertin), 免费mg不朽情缘试玩白兰地酒分校地球科学杰出教授, 谁从2001年开始在她的校园里指导学生, 协助过50多名学生研究人员.

She works with students in their first two years who are interested in majoring in any of the programs in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. 学生们只上过这门学科的初级课程, meaning that the type of project is shifted to match the level of their specific knowledge within said area of study.

Guertin said she enjoys working with first and second-year geoscience/Earth and mineral science majors at 白兰地酒. S他说 she understands that these students are just starting to acquire the discipline's subject matter, 与他们一起工作,进一步发展他们的知识和技能, in addition to collaborating with them in establishing a project that is appropriate for their foundation.

“Six of my student researchers have been recognized with an Award for Excellence in Student Research from the Geoscience Division of the Council on 本科研究,” said 他指出,这是一项国家荣誉. “我已经带了几个学生在本地和国际会议上展示他们的研究. 这些学生也是期刊文章的共同作者.”


大约四个半小时车程的宾夕法尼亚州西南部, 约瑟夫Cuiffi, an associate teaching professor and program coordinator of 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校’s Electro-mechanical Engineering Technology (EMET) 程序, 管理是让他的研究人员保持投入的新方法吗. 在那里, 他为学生开发智能制造的学习活动, 教授本科生如何搭建设备和开展数据学习活动.

“EMET undergraduates were part of a team developing smart manufacturing educational materials for CESMII, 智能制造研究院,库菲说. “It presented an opportunity for them to learn about advanced topics in engineering that they wouldn't have seen otherwise, 例如工业物联网(IIoT)和制造业数据分析. They also saw that their work became part of a national content repository and the foundation of a new elective class for EMET their major. 在我看来, their perspective in developing learning exercises helped me to design the materials for a broad audience.”


在宾夕法尼亚州东北部的斯库尔基尔州立大学, 17%的本科生在教师指导下进行课外研究. 李·西尔弗伯格(Lee Silverberg)负责协调这项工作, 化学教授, division coordinator of the campus’ STEM programs and chair of the 本科研究 council. 通过议会, Silverberg and other faculty members identify ways to increase engagement in 本科研究.

Several faculty members in Penn State 斯古吉尔河’s STEM majors are conducting research alongside students in areas including biology, 化学, 物理与计算机科学. 斯库尔基尔大学的研究跨越了所有学科, 不仅仅是科学,其他研究工作还包括刑事司法项目, 心理学与人文学科. 西尔弗伯格的研究方向是有机化学.

然而校园里并没有提供免费mg不朽情缘试玩所有四年的化学专业, 西尔弗伯格能够与斯库尔基尔大学生物学专业的学生一起工作, 或者那些利用 大学的2+2课程. This allows Silverberg to work with students in their first two years of undergraduate studies to undertake research before they transition to a different Penn State campus.

“我的大多数学生都是其他专业的, 他们中的很多人,不仅是本科生, 但他们是一年级或二年级的本科生,西尔弗伯格说. “所以,他们甚至还没有深入学习. 我在实验室和一学期的学生一起工作.” This early introduction to 学术 research sets students on a path to success throughout their studies, 包括申请和录取研究生和医学院, 他说.


杰奎琳·麦克劳克林, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩利哈伊谷分校的生物学教授, is best known for her passion for teaching and mentorship to both students and faculty in 本科研究. 她在学校里分享了这一点, numerous faculty members employ inquiry-based learning methods to engage students in creative research activities, e.g., 实验室研究, 实地研究, 文学评论, 数据分析, 数学和计算项目, 以及设计和工程项目.

虽然“研究”一词可能会让人联想到白大褂和笔记本, creative and effective approaches are now expanding the definition of 本科研究 to the modern and interdisciplinary world of higher education,她说. 

麦克劳林 said her favorite approach is the Course-Based 本科研究 Experience (CURE). It’s a learning arena in which whole classes of students address a research question or problem with unknown outcomes or solutions that is of interest to society. CUREs were devised to address a major goal of national reform efforts in life science education to expand research involving undergraduate students.

S他说 she enjoys not only developing and implementing novel CUREs for her students but assessing their benefits (student outcomes), 比如获得研究技能, 员工的技能, 独立和批判性思维. She also created a "Four-step CURE Pedagogical Framework" to help orient and guide other instructors through the process of designing and implementing their own CURE.

麦克劳林的构建, 随着CHANCE的启动,也在国际上实施和评估CUREs, 透过保育经验连结手与自然, in 2004.  CHANCE是一个屡获殊荣的, international program which trains students in environmental sustainability and conservation biology with more than 65 governmental, 非政府, 学术, 以及世界各地的企业合作伙伴和合作者.

她开发并领导了阿拉斯加的短期留学项目, 澳大利亚, 中国, 哥斯达黎加, 古巴, 厄瓜多尔, 加拉帕戈斯群岛, 巴拿马, 秘鲁, Romania and Tanzania (and soon Greece) wherein students have researched issues related to deforestation and loss of biodiversity, 湖泊富营养化与水污染, 沙漠化, 全球气候变化和珊瑚白化. 

"What I have personally learned from CHANCE is this: Our world's ecosystems are broken or are breaking,麦克劳克林说. "Nature yearns for sustainability; meaning that humans live in harmony with her. Undergraduate research in a global context is important because students are given the opportunity to unmask the anthropogenic means of an ecosystem's demise and use this knowledge to effectively work and advocate for nature's restoration. CHANCE参与者给了我明天的希望. 许多人已经成为,也将成为我们这个世界迫切需要的变革推动者.”

The importance of connecting courses and 本科研究 in STEM is vital to the students’ success, 添加麦克劳克林.

“Six of my student researchers have been recognized with an Award for Excellence in Student Research from the Geoscience Division of the Council on 本科研究,”医生说。. 他指出,这是一项国家荣誉. “And I've taken several students to present their research at local-to-international conferences. 这些学生也是期刊文章的共同作者.”

——laura Guertin,免费mg不朽情缘试玩白兰地学院地球科学特聘教授