
Graduate tudent

免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校学生乔希·巴里在怀俄明州的提顿山脉散步. 巴里正在佩斯大学攻读环境科学硕士学位. 

Credit: Josh 巴里

NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. — For Penn State alumni Josh 巴里 and Brady Boyer, 从免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校开始,到免费mg不朽情缘试玩公园分校结束,这是优化他们本科学习的完美策略.

巴里, a 2014 graduate, 和波伊尔, a 2015 graduate, 在前往大学公园校区完成最后两年的课程之前,他们在新肯辛顿校区学习了两年. 它们是该校“2+2计划”的一部分,这是获得免费mg不朽情缘试玩学位最常见的途径. More than 50 percent of Penn State students choose this path, and it is available for the vast majority of majors.

“我选择了免费mg不朽情缘试玩的2+2项目,因为在联邦校区学习两年更实惠, 而像新肯辛顿这样的英联邦校园则为低年级学生提供了更多的个人教育,” Boyer said.  “I had the opportunity to work with a greater variety of people, and the biology staff at New Kensington was fantastic.”

巴里说:“免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的教育质量是一流的. “Once I moved to State College, I was already prepared to work at the level I needed to, as PSNK already gave me that experience. 我强烈认为PSNK的课程比州立大学的课程更能挑战我的智力.”


“在PSNK, your class size ranges from maybe 50 students, 相比之下,州立大学一个房间里可以容纳300多名学生,” 巴里 said. 这个优势让我和几乎所有的教授都建立了密切的关系, 并在课外花费宝贵的时间来学习我可能一直在努力的话题.”


“在大学公园之前去新肯辛顿让我学会了如何在没有太多分心的情况下成为一名成功的大学生,” Boyer said. “At University Park, there is much more happening outside of school, and it is common to see people focus too much on the extra things. Through my experience, 我相信从大学公园开始的低年级学生比2+2项目的任何人都更难成功.” 

Boyer was a part of the honors program at New Kensington. 他说,这个项目使他能够在比尔·汉密尔顿的指导下进行独立研究, assistant professor of biology.

“我从新肯辛顿的生物项目中获得的经验给了我初步的知识,帮助我迈出了大学公园的大门,” Boyer said. “Because of that program, I was able to start working in Dr. [Tomas] Carlo's lab as an undergraduate. I now work as a grad student in the same lab.”

International studies
Boyer took his college experiences international. 通过免费mg不朽情缘试玩,他报名参加了哥斯达黎加的热带田野生态学课程. 这促使Boyer在秘鲁对兰花豆进行了自己的独立研究.

“This experience was one of the best experiences of my life, and it confirmed my desire to do more research of my own,” Boyer said. “我想我从免费mg不朽情缘试玩的教育中得到的最大收获是我的世俗经历, 因为如果没有这些冒险,我可能就不会读研究生了.”

Boyer is in his first semester of graduate school at Penn State, pursuing a master’s degree in ecology. Working in the lab that is devoted to plant-animal interactions, Boyer’s project focuses on pre-dispersal seed predation by insects. 这位宾夕法尼亚州谢罗克塔人希望获得博士学位,并在大学任教.

Working with the big cats
巴里 transitioned from the campus to University Park, 在新肯辛顿的学生时代担任尼塔尼狮子队的吉祥物, 去管理真正的美洲狮笼子做环境科学实习生. 他的两个实习是在匹兹堡动物园的大型猫科动物部门和尤里卡泉松节油溪野生动物保护区的大型猫科动物保护区, 阿肯色州. "Big cats" is the general term for tigers, 狮子, jaguars and leopards, members of the Panthera genus that roar.

“Since graduating from Penn State, I worked with tigers, 狮子, 猎豹, and the endangered amur leopard at the zoo,” 巴里 said. “我们在野生动物保护区为以前被虐待和忽视的大型猫科动物和熊提供了自然家园. I cared for about 120 rescued animals including tigers, 狮子, mountain 狮子, African servals, 山猫, 黑熊, and a 700-pound grizzly bear.”

Since earning his Penn State degree, 巴里 has experienced a plethora of success in post-college life. 他正在纽约佩斯大学攻读环境科学硕士学位. 他的毕业论文是基于豹美洲狮项目的提顿美洲狮项目. 美洲狮计划通过进行重要的生态研究来保护美洲狮, communicating the puma’s role in ecosystems, and addressing the wide-ranging persecution facing the species. 美洲狮项目收集数据,通过记录未记录的美洲狮行为来揭示美洲狮隐藏的生活.

“我的具体项目侧重于山狮为无脊椎动物提供的生态服务,” 巴里 said. “我的项目是第一个将无脊椎动物纳入大型猫科动物对话的研究, offering a new insight into their importance on the landscape.”


“It's important to have a sense of passion and love for what you do, but without outreach, giving presentations, and sharing your knowledge, it becomes confined to yourself,” 巴里 said. “Share your knowledge with the world; you'll be surprised how far that'll take you.”

(雅各布·奥伯多夫(Jacob Oberdorf)是免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校招生管理办公室的实习生.)



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