
Widely available testing and vaccines allow individuals to take precautions to keep themselves and their communities healthy

COVID-19 vaccines as well as tests are widely available and the University is continuing to provide 接触者追踪 for students as well as on- or near-campus isolation space for students who live on campus.  


宾州大学公园. — As students plan their return to Penn State campuses for the fall 2022 semester, the University continues to provide resources to help individuals stay safe and healthy and prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

“虽然我们基本上恢复了正常活动, 无论是在我们的校园还是在我们日常生活的其他方面, it is important to remember that 冠状病毒 is still with us and we all have to take precautions to avoid contracting and spreading COVID-19,免费mg不朽情缘试玩校长尼利·本达普迪说. “What is different from the beginning of the pandemic is that we have the tools and knowledge to be as safe as possible. Focusing on self-care and making healthy decisions are important measures to keep ourselves and our campus communities healthy. 我们是免费mg不朽情缘试玩的一个社区, 这需要我们所有人共同努力,保证我们所有人的安全和健康.”  

Penn State continues to monitor the pandemic closely at all University locations and is prepared to pivot quickly if circumstances worsen and more extensive mitigation measures are necessary. 

COVID-19 tests and vaccines are widely available and the University is continuing to provide 接触者追踪 for students as well as on- or near-campus quarantine and isolation space for students who live on campus.  


  • The University strongly recommends face masks be worn indoors on campuses in counties designated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to have high COVID-19社区级别
  • 即使是在COVID-19社区水平较低或中等的县的校园里, the University encourages anyone who wishes to wear a mask indoors on these campuses to continue to do so. 
  • Face masks will continue to be required in facilities providing health care and in other locations where required by law, 包括在医学院的室内, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩健康中心, 大学卫生服务和其他校园卫生保健中心.  



  • The University strongly encourages all members of the community to stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations — including booster doses — and to share their vaccination status with the University.  
  • 大学公园、联邦校区和迪金森法学院的学生 可透过“大学保健处”上传接种纪录.
  • 在大学公园, 大学保健处 can provide appointments for students to receive their first and second doses (primary series) of the Moderna vaccine as well as their booster. 
  • 适用于联邦校园的学生和员工, local vaccine site locations listed by a ZIP code search can be found online at 疫苗.政府.



  • Students should take a COVID-19 test before returning to campus using a rapid home test. 如果测试结果是阳性的, they should stay home for at least five more days and test negative before coming to a campus.  
  • Students are strongly encouraged to procure at-home COVID-19 tests and bring a supply with them to campus this fall.  
  • 由美国卫生组织提供的免费家庭快速检测.S. 可以在网上订购,网址是 covidtests.政府. Information on ordering tests for students who live with multiple unrelated individuals at a single address is available on the University’s 冠状病毒资讯网站
  • Individuals with private health insurance coverage or who are covered by a group health plan also are eligible to have up to eight at-home COVID-19 tests covered by their insurance provider per month. 
  • 虽然无法再从Vault Health订购邮寄式COVID-19测试, individuals who have a supply of previously ordered Vault tests that are not expired can continue to use those tests. 测试包装上标明了测试的截止日期.  
  • 在大学公园, students living on campus or in the local community who are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 should 透过大学保健处安排与大学保健处的测试预约.  
  • 住在或附近的学生 宾州州立大学其他校区 should seek symptomatic testing via their campus’ health services or a local provider. 
  • 在大学公园, at-home tests are available for students at UHS and upon request at 大学公园 residence hall commons desks during regular hours of operation. 
  • 在联邦大学校园, masks and tests are available at campus health centers and upon request at Housing and 食品服务 offices during regular hours of operation.  



疾控中心的指导不再要求隔离 暴露于COVID-19的个人. 相反,接触过COVID-19的人应该开始戴口罩 合身的面具 立即进入室内,并在五天后进行COVID-19检测. Individuals who test negative should continue to wear a mask indoors around others for 10 days. 检测呈阳性者应立即隔离.

  • 可用于隔离的校园空间有限. Residence hall students who live close to their campus are encouraged to isolate at home. On-campus isolation space will not be provided for students living in off-campus housing. 
  • 对于不能回家的住校学生 为了隔离,将提供隔离空间. 
  • 非住宅的学生 应该在家里隔离还是在公寓或房子里隔离, ideally in a space where they can avoid contact with others in their household. 
  • The latest guidelines on quarantine and isolation can be found on the university’s 冠状病毒资讯网站.  
  • Employees who are symptomatic or test positive for COVID-19 should notify their immediate supervisor and isolate at home. 测试结果呈阳性的教职员工应发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 并提供以下资料: 
    • 症状开始的日期.
    • COVID-19检测阳性的日期.
    • 第一天没上班. 
    • 远程工作能力. 



Students who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or those who are concerned they may have been exposed to COVID-19, 不应该去上课或参加其他活动吗. 而不是, 这些学生应通过大学保健处进行COVID-19症状检测, 他们的校园健康中心或其他医疗保健提供者. 个人可以通过使用 宾州州立大学GO应用程序 COVID-19症状检查工具. 

Students can notify the University of a third-party positive lab test result by 透过大学保健处提交测试结果. Students who test positive with an at-home test kit may report their positive result by completing the 网上转介表格,一定要写上考试的日期. 有关如何报告阳性检测结果的更多信息,请访问 冠状病毒资讯网站.  

生病的员工应该呆在家里. Employees who are symptomatic or test positive for COVID-19 should notify their immediate supervisor and isolate at home. 测试结果呈阳性的教职员工应发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 并提供以下资料: 

  • 症状开始的日期. 
  • COVID-19检测阳性的日期.
  • 第一天没上班. 
  • 远程工作能力.  

访问 virusinfo.事业单位.edu 获取免费mg不朽情缘试玩COVID-19的最新信息.