Penn State campus climate survey to close on April 22

The University-wide survey, which has been updated based on student feedback, will assess issues of sexual assault, misconduct and harassment

编者按:性行为不端的气候调查将于4月22日结束. The survey was sent to a random sample of students at all Penn State campuses; students can check their Penn State email for a link to complete the survey. 

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩将发起第三次全校范围的学生调查,以了解他们的看法, 有与性侵犯和性骚扰相关的经验和知识. 这项调查是由学生事务研究及评估处进行的,调查结果将有助于指导大学继续努力遏制不当性行为.  

4月4日,该调查将通过电子邮件随机选择免费mg不朽情缘试玩所有校区的学生. Approximately 15,000 undergraduates at University Park, along with 4,000 graduate and professional students, and about 1,500 students at each of the larger Penn State campuses, will receive the survey. 在规模较小的校园,调查将发给所有学生. 

完成调查的学生将参加抽奖活动,赢得各种礼品卡. However, students’ responses to the survey will remain anonymous, 完成调查的人的名字不会与他们的答案相关联.

这项调查将询问学生有关他们个人经历的问题, their perceptions, their knowledge of campus resources, 以及与不当性行为和性骚扰有关的旁观者的行为. It is expected to provide insight into a number of areas, including the prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, how comfortable people feel reporting incidents, and the role of alcohol in sexual misconduct.

Penn State worked with students, 教师和工作人员收集反馈并为本届政府更新调查. Feedback on the 2018 survey was 于2021年10月通过学生焦点小组和在线表格收集 open to anyone in the Penn State community. As the 2022 survey was being developed, 学生事务研究和评估办公室与精选的学生组织合作, Student Affairs staff and faculty, 以及解决关系和性暴力联盟做出调整.


  • 把“生理性别”的问题换成适合学生的解剖结构.
  • 更新有关性取向、性别认同和种族认同的语言.
  • 拓宽有关骚扰的一些问题,而不是具体说明通过电子手段发生的骚扰.
  • 在亲密伴侣/关系暴力部分增加问题,包括旨在识别情感虐待和身体暴力的项目.
  • 增加与感知及时警告有关的额外项目.
  • 增加了与学生为什么没有向非机密来源报告不当性行为有关的额外项目.
  • 在整个调查过程中提供额外的提醒,让学生知道他们可以休息一下,稍后再完成调查.
  • 增加一个开放式回答来收集调查中遗漏的任何内容.
  • 在调查的开头和结尾链接到额外的资源.


To view the 2022 survey instrument, 浏览学生事务研究及评估网站.

这项调查的结果将在2022年秋季学期公布. Once the results are made available, 学生事务研究和评估办公室将与校园利益相关者合作,根据需要提供额外的数据分析.

This sexual misconduct climate survey 这是一个三年前成立的特别工作组提出的, in which Penn State President Eric J. Barron endorsed 旨在打击性侵犯和不当行为的18项建议 on all Penn State campuses. The survey, which will be repeated every three years, is key to understanding the problem, formulating new policies and solutions, 并跟踪旨在减少校园性行为不端事件的举措的进展. 该调查最初于2015年11月进行,最近一次于2018年10月进行. To view results from the past surveys, visit the Student Affairs website.

这项调查是正在进行的旨在创造更安全的校园环境的综合方法的一部分. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩继续致力于安全的其他努力包括对免费mg不朽情缘试玩所有政策和程序的全面审查, instituting mandatory employee training, 为学生和家长提供更多的教育和意识培训, establishing a bystander intervention program, and hosting a University hotline, among others. Most recently, 大学进行了重组,并为第九条和平权行动的努力提供了额外的资源.


For more information on the survey, visit the Student Affairs website