Penn State launches new public health campaign

An image of the Nittany Lion shrine with a blue overlay. Text in image reads, "Mask up or pack up, Penn State. Our community. Our responsibility. Whether on or off campus, we're all in this together."

Penn State has launched an integrated effort to remind faculty, 所有校园和邻近社区的教职员工和学生都意识到为限制COVID-19的传播尽自己的一份力量的重要性.  “要么戴上面具,要么打包走人”是一项基于研究的活动,也在州立大学发起,旨在为学生和社区其他成员创造一个无缝的信息.

Credit: Penn State

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – Penn State has launched an integrated effort to remind faculty, 所有校园和邻近社区的教职员工和学生都意识到为限制COVID-19的传播尽自己的一份力量的重要性.  “要么戴上面具,要么打包走人”是一项基于研究的活动,也在州立大学发起,旨在为学生和社区其他成员创造一个无缝的信息.

As students return for the fall semester, the campaign messaging will be shared inside and outside campus buildings, on social media, 并将在大学校园附近的当地场所及其周围可见. 目的是加强沃尔夫管理和大学的安全指导方针, shift attitudes and behaviors of the hard-to-persuade, and make essential preventative behaviors widely practiced. While surveys show the majority of students, 教职员工计划遵守戴口罩和保持社交距离的指导方针, 有些人在调查中表示,他们不打算这样做——为了保护他们周围的每个人,他们需要这样做, especially the most vulnerable.

“当我们回到校园时,每个人都在适应正常的生活, 我们必须提醒自己,这些步骤将有助于保护我们的社区,保持校园学习,” said Eric J. Barron, president. “我们的首要任务仍然是校园内外每个人的健康和安全.”

Image of Old Main building with blue overlay.

Keeping communities safe will take a collective effort. 该活动的信息是基于调查和由学生组成的焦点小组的见解, faculty, staff and the State College community, 这是一个直接的期望,每个人都采取个人行动,帮助创造一个更安全的环境,因为学生们回到了整个英联邦的校园.

Credit: Penn State

The creative execution, “Mask Up or Pack Up,” is grounded in insights from surveys and focus groups comprised of students, faculty, 教职员工和全体员工都直接期望每个人都采取个人行动,在学生返回校园时帮助创造一个更安全的环境. 研究显示,主要利益相关者最关心的两个问题包括被迫回到一个完全远程的环境, 以及保护我们社区中最弱势群体的迫切需要. The messages are simple and straightforward.

As peer influence will be critical to the success of the campaign, Penn State has partnered with prominent alumni including mathematician and retired NFL player John Urschel and actor Patrick Fabian; faculty including Paul Shrivastava, chief sustainability officer and Richard Alley, Evan Pugh Professor of Geosciences; and student leaders. 这些大使和其他重要大使的投入和支持是向更多受众传达信息的重要组成部分,我们必须掩盖或面对这个学期收拾行李的现实.

The University retained M Booth Health, a firm specializing in public health and social marketing campaigns, to design and help implement “Mask Up or Pack Up,,目前和过去的客户包括疾病控制和预防中心(CDC),, the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, the United Nations health agencies, the National Meningitis Association and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, among others. 监督和建议开发工作的项目团队包括Lawrence Lokman, vice president of strategic communications; Damon Sims, vice president of student affairs; and Beth McGraw, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics, professor and Huck Scholar in entomology.

“提供最好的科学信息,并以一种可能影响行为的方式传递信息,这一点非常重要,” said McGraw. “我很高兴我们的过程包括与我们的社区进行严格审查,以帮助找到最有可能被接受的公共卫生信息.”

In message testing with nearly 150 students, parents and employees, 超过八成的人认为“要么戴上面具,要么打包走人”是鼓励个人采取正确行为的有效信息, and just as many (85%) said it would motivate them personally.

达蒙·西姆斯(Damon Sims)指出,该活动与《免费mg不朽情缘试玩》中的行为要求和指导方针保持一致 COVID-19 Compact for students, 这也符合州长的指导方针和州立大学自治市最近通过的冠状病毒缓解条例.

“我们的测试表明,很难说服我们社区的成员更有可能对一个明确的, straightforward message that includes consequences for failure to comply, whether on campus or off," said Sims.  "The campaign directly states both expectations and consequences, 但它也传达了旨在保护最弱势群体和我们其他人的社区支持的至关重要性, too."

西姆斯补充说,整体努力将得到接受公共卫生大使培训的学生的支持,他们将向校园里不遵守指导的个人提供积极的提醒.  Nevertheless, 他说,学校准备追究学生和员工不遵守要求的责任.

Additionally, this effort has the involvement of members of the State College community, including the State College Borough, Centre County Government, Chamber of Business & 中心县的工业,以及市区州立大学改善区.  Materials will appear throughout campus and downtown, off-campus housing and local restaurants and establishments. 该活动清楚地承认了无与伦比的社区合作精神, including with those in campus communities across the commonwealth.

“戴口罩和保持身体距离是社区和当地企业所依赖的日常保护措施, or they may be forced to close,” said Tom Fountaine, manager, State College Borough. “We want our local restaurants and retail shops to remain open, but more importantly, we want our community members and visitors to be safe. 州立大学敦促每个人都承担起维护社区安全的责任.”

“As part of the greater Penn State/Centre County community, 至关重要的是,我们必须通力合作,尽最大努力满足公民的需求, students, and visitors to our community,” said Vern Squier, president and CEO, Chamber of Business & Industry of Centre County. “We must rally together to deal with this situation.”

Keeping communities safe will take a collective effort. Help us spread the word to colleagues, family, friends and neighbors by taking a picture wearing a mask, posting to social media, and hashtagging #MaskUpOrPackUp.