新肯辛顿 students ‘dig’ the Navajo experience

烹饪, excavating and constructing provide cultural experiences at Native American territory in 亚利桑那州

特雷福Guercio, 左, walks the audience through the mastery of rearing an outhouse during a presentation March 30 by 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 students on their experiences in 纳瓦霍语国家 during 春假. 


上伯勒尔,宾夕法尼亚州. — It featured 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 student 特雷福Guercio building an outhouse. No, it wasn’t an episode of “Dirty Jobs” on the Discovery Channel. 那是在亚利桑那州的春假旅行.

Guercio, 工程专业大二学生, joined nine other campus students for a community service trip to 纳瓦霍语国家 in northeastern 亚利桑那州 to learn about the Navajo culture and history, while supporting underserved communities and contributing to environmental efforts. Outhouse development was on the list of activities that were scheduled for the week. When one of the program planners was looking for a crew supervisor for privy production on a local Navajo ranch, Guercio was chosen to "sweeten the pot" because of his experience with power tools.

“I went on this trip to get a different view of the world around us,” said Guercio. “现在, building an outhouse might not sound fun to most people, 但这是我做过的最好的事情之一.”

新肯辛顿的学生Bill Carney, Lynsie赫德利, 香农Josefoski, Wati Kumwenda, 乔恩·麦凯布, 布列塔尼米勒, 凡妮莎焦点在于, Ashley Worlds和Guercio, 由工作人员劳伦·布鲁姆陪同, 学生事务主任助理, 科琳·库尔森, 招生服务专员, made the journey March 4 to the Native American-governed territory. They performed a variety of functions at a ranch in Tuba City, 哪个位于27号公路的西部边缘,000平方英里的纳瓦霍部落.

The students helped with various construction projects, such as building a sweat lodge and taking part in a traditional Navajo experience. A sweat lodge is a hut made with natural materials that is used for purification ceremonies and prayer. 焦点在于, 商务营销专业大二学生, was tasked with helping build the lodge and another dwelling. In addition, her culinary acumen was brought to the forefront as she assumed chef responsibilities.

“我为志愿者做饭, 饭菜包括很多纳瓦霍炸面包,萨科说。, a resident of O’Hara Township who attended Fox Chapel Area High School. “Additionally, I helped build a hogan and clean a sheep corral.”

Fry bread is fried flat dough that can be eaten alone or made into tacos. 它是膳食的简单补充. A hogan is the traditional dwelling of the Navajo people. 填满泥土, it is constructed in a variety of shapes with the door facing east to welcome the rising sun as an omen for good wealth and fortune.

新肯辛顿的学生, 以及免费mg不朽情缘试玩杜波依斯分校的同学, 参加其他纳瓦霍仪式, 包括制作碱, 也被称为纳瓦霍蛋糕. It takes teamwork to create the cake, which is made in a 3-foot-wide fire pit. Almost every act of Navajo life is ceremonial in nature, 每一幕都伴随着歌曲和祈祷.

“The Navajo people have a beautiful way of living,萨科说. “They are rich in their culture, which bonds them together to make an admirably loving community."

The nine-day goodwill journey also included sightseeing trips to the Grand Canyon and Dinosaur Tracts, a site in Tuba City where dinosaurs 左 their footprints more than 200 million years ago. 萨科最喜欢的旅行是一次计划外的徒步旅行.

“I experienced the beauty of 亚利桑那州 in a way that I will never forget,萨科说. “There were more steep cliffs than I had anticipated, but the hike forced me to push myself as an individual.”

The final project of the trip was a presentation March 30 to the campus community. The students showed photos and videos while talking about learning and working with the Navajo people. 格尔西奥和萨科, who serve as Lion Ambassadors and orientation leaders when on campus, recommend the trip for other campus students looking forward to expanding their collegiate experience.

“这次旅行会在很多方面改变你, 每一个变化都很好,Guercio说. “Navajo people are some of the nicest, kindest and caring people around.”

“Viewing the way that other cultures live provided me with a new perspective on the importance of coexisting,萨科说. “这次旅行改变了我这个人. I will always appreciate the Navajo culture, and I plan to refer to its warmth in my time of need.”

Using 春假 to travel and help others is an annual rite for 新肯辛顿 students. 两年前,华盛顿特区.C., was the destination, and Puerto Rico was the trendy hot spot last year.



