新肯辛顿 innovation hub ready to help accelerate opportunities

Application period open for free, 10-week course at 角落里

Exterior 和 signage of 角落里, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校's innovation hub at 701 Fifth Ave. 在新肯辛顿市中心.


宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. -那些 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 和 in the surrounding Alle-Kiski Valley community are invited to explore their ideas at the upcoming 10-week 角落发射箱机会加速器 course to be held at the campus’ innovation hub, 角落里, in February through mid-April.

“The 加速器 is designed for entrepreneurs to challenge their own assumptions in order to get you closer to knowing what customers value, how they need to position their business or idea to best meet their needs in a competitive l和scape, 塑造可持续的商业模式, 和 be ready to take the next step toward launching their business or idea forward,朗达·舒尔特说, 角落里的创新协调员. 

“没有. 1 reason startups fail is because they build something no one wants,” Schuldt added. 这对任何企业都适用, 基于服务的, 基于技术的, 社会企业或其他. 仅仅因为你认为你的想法很好, it’s not sustainable unless the market thinks it’s good 和 is willing to choose what you offer.”

By learning about customer needs 和 values early, those with ideas or startups can begin to feel more empowered to build a stronger 和更多的 complete business model.

“发现客户可能很可怕, especially for those innovators 和 entrepreneurs who are passionate about 和 love their own idea,舒尔特说. “The commitment will be made to really try to underst和 the problem they’re trying to solve from the perspective of the customer, 和 there is always an ‘ah ha’ moment that is most often transformative 和 energizing.” 

The 10-week course is broken up into eight, two-hour workshop sessions between Feb. 6 和 April 10, with two weeks of independent work. 除了, those accepted into the program will receive weekly one-on-one coaching, have access to 角落里 innovation hub during the program 和 for three months following participation, 和 have access to 角落里’s network of advisers 和 experts. All workshop sessions are held at 角落里, located at 701 Fifth Ave. 在新肯辛顿.

“Any individual or teams who have a business idea that they’ve started to consider 和 have taken the initial steps of talking with potential customers are in the best position to take the deeper dive that the 10-week 加速器 offers,舒尔特解释道.

话虽如此, 学生, faculty or staff who want to come into the Accelerator to learn the process 和 value of 客户发现 to shape a better underst和ing of a problem, 塑造解决方案, 也会受益,舒尔特补充道. “It’s a discipline 和 approach that is applicable in so many different settings where an innovative entrepreneurial mindset brings value.”

The 角落发射箱机会加速器 is free, but those interested in the program must apply by filling out 简短的网上申请. Those who would like to fill out a hard-copy application or have questions can contact Schuldt directly at (电子邮件保护) or 412-551-4408.

转角是21个中的一个 创造免费mg不朽情缘试玩 横跨宾夕法尼亚的枢纽. 除了 to providing signature Launchbox programming, the space also serves as a location for area coworkers via a membership-based system through Pittsburgh’s Beauty Shoppe. 全年, 该中心提供免费和低成本的节目, workshops 和 events through the 角落Launchbox 和 partners such as Innovation Works, 小企业发展中心, Westmorel和得分, 和更多的. 要查看事件的当前列表,请访问 http://newkensington.promisesurfing.net/corner-launchbox-events.

角落里, under the leadership of 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 Chancellor Kevin Snider, also is a foundation in the revitalization of the city of 新肯辛顿 和 a leader in the region's expansion 和 preparation into the next industrial revolution, 被一些人称为工业4.0.

“I see 角落里 as a visible anchor 在新肯辛顿’s transformation to a vital, 行业内充满活力的社区.0 world where we’ve not only retained the essence of the city, but created opportunities for all to participate in its revitalization,舒尔特说. “I hope the community 和 the campus sees 角落里 as a resource.”

For more information about 角落里, visit thecorner.的地方newkensington.事业单位.edu/launchbox.