
后面瞎跑技术, KCF技术和TRAK机床-西南工业公司. 搭档名单上现在有9人

KCF技术公司的Aaron Williams, 图右, demonstrates IoT monitoring of bearings vibration data at the Manufacturing Industry Day event at the 新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂. KCF技术 is one of the Digital Foundry's newest Technology Partners.


宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. - - - 新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂, an initiative of 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 和 威斯特摩兰经济增长联系, has announced the addition of 3 new Technology Partners: 后面瞎跑技术, KCF技术和TRAK机床-西南工业公司.

The additions join the six prior Technology Partners at the Digital Foundry, 包括西门子, 高级控制和分配(ACD), 旗帜工程, 金丝雀实验室, Ectobox和Premier Automation. Each partner has committed to creating value for today's and tomorrow’s manufacturing and industry success, along with supporting the Digital Foundry’s mission to offer future members, guests and students access to innovative technologies and educational opportunities while improving lives and strengthening businesses in the local area.

“We are excited to add our three newest supporters to our Technology Partners roster at the 新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂,雪莉·麦克利里说, 执行董事. “Each partner brings their own unique expertise in the smart manufacturing field, but also the commitment to see current and future workforce and industry thrive. It’s that commitment that helps make our collective missions and visions converge so that we can make a difference in the lives of individuals and businesses now and in the future.”


With the Digital Foundry’s focus on assisting small to mid-size manufacturing companies in the region, 新的合作伙伴关系 后面瞎跑技术 是非常合适的.

“We are very excited to help educate local manufacturers on ways to improve their productivity and safety, 使他们在全球更具竞争力,Vivek Kulkarni说, Arin Technologies首席执行官.

根据Kulkarni的说法, 公司正在应对熟练工人短缺的问题, and solutions from ARIN Tech help manufacturing and distribution customers retain talent by providing a safe and productive environment for their workers. This aids our customers with increased morale and translates into longer tenures for existing workers, as well as increased profitability and reduction in costs since the implementation of our products.

The new partnership with the Digital Foundry will help educate workers and companies on safer equipment protocols through ARINAlert 并有效跟踪高价值资产和设备通过 ARINTrack.


自2000年成立以来, KCF技术 致力于用技术丰富生活和商业, services and hardware with the goal of implementing digital technologies to create sustainable futures through the elimination of waste, 同时帮助解决行业技能差距和劳动力短缺问题.

“数量空前的熟练劳动力退休, the labor shortage and increased demand for output in the industry have reaffirmed the importance of contributing to society, finding manufacturing efficiencies and saving money to reduce operating costs,肖恩·布达解释道, KCF营销副总裁.

通过与数字铸造厂合作, 该公司, 它是由免费mg不朽情缘试玩的三位研究人员创立的, hopes to empower local individuals and businesses through sharing their technology and industry knowledge to show the benefits of data-driven analytics that can assist decision-making processes related to machine health and other operations.

“KCF is proud to be a partner of the Digital Foundry and recognizes the importance of supporting both local and global economic health,布达说. “This partnership helps achieve this by making cutting-edge technology accessible. The results deliver a strong economic impact and increased competitiveness in the industry.”


“我们参与了数字铸造厂, we expect to collaborate with regional professionals in creating solutions to the challenges faced by our industry,帕特里克·卡尔舍尔说, 营销和传播经理 轨迹机床. “TRAK’s long history as a resource for vocational training and development means we are tightly aligned with the goals of the Digital Foundry.”

TRAK has been providing metal-working professionals with innovative products and technology since the 1960s, 他们的使命是帮助他们的客户在行业中茁壮成长.0环境.

“We look forward to sharing our expertise so that we can help build a workforce able to rise to the needs of today and be capable of utilizing emerging technologies,卡尔舍尔补充道, whose company will provide access to products and technologies at the Digital Foundry so that current and future workforce members can develop the necessary skills to handle the unique challenges and situations in the manufacturing field.


新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂, 位于新肯辛顿第五大道855号, 宾西法尼亚, 是15,044-square-foot innovation and manufacturing lab space aimed at building future-ready awareness and skill sets for the manufacturing industry, K-16教育部门, current and future workforce and community members in Southwestern 宾西法尼亚.

该实验室是全国七个实验室之一 智能制造创新中心,收到了 $5.理查德·金·梅隆基金会提供的500万美元资金, as well as a $1 million matching gift from Penn State through the Economic Development Matching 程序, 一项“为21世纪的卓越成就打造更伟大的免费mg不朽情缘试玩.

双方之间的协作 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校威斯特摩兰经济增长联系, 铸造厂的使命是推动思想的发展, learning and problem solving through application of digital technologies. 保持最新的数字铸造厂在 DigitalFoundryNK.com.

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