Penn State provides update on teaching modes for summer and fall 2021

Summer semester to include substantially expanded number of in-person courses as University plans for full on-campus experience in the fall

Penn State President Eric 巴伦 said the University is optimistic that it can begin to safely transition during the summer and move toward a full in-person experience this fall while keeping campus and local communities as safe and healthy as possible.


宾州大学公园. – Penn State is planning a phased return over the summer semester to a full on-campus learning environment for fall 2021. The University’s priorities continue to be the health and well-being of its students, 教师, 工作人员和当地社区, and the plans for expanded in-person classes have the flexibility built in to quickly respond to changing pandemic conditions, 如果有必要的话.  

“Making detailed decisions now about the future mode of educational offerings for our University is not an easy task given all the unknowns surrounding the coronavirus pandemic,免费mg不朽情缘试玩校长埃里克. 巴伦. “然而, with vaccines becoming more available and the expectation that public health guidelines will reflect progress, we are optimistic that we can begin to safely transition during the summer and move toward a full in-person experience this fall while doing all that we can to keep our students, 员工和当地社区 as safe and healthy as possible.” 

The summer semester will again use Penn State's 新型冠状病毒肺炎教学模式, but will maximize the number of in-person courses based on space utilization, including continued use of non-traditional spaces for instruction – such as event spaces and outdoor tents – and the public health guidance at the time. In addition to in-person courses there will be some remote options, 同步和异步. The fall semester will more closely resemble Penn State’s in-person instructional experience, while continuing to offer a full range of web classes. Classes will be scheduled using the University’s non-COVID modes of instruction. 

“We are in the process of finalizing the summer and fall semester details but wanted to share this information now so that our students are able to register for their summer and fall courses, 我们知道这是关键的一步,伊冯娜·高德利乌斯说, interim vice president and dean for Undergraduate Education. 

Based on what has been learned about student and 教师 needs and preferences, some remote synchronous — in which students attend virtually at a scheduled time — and asynchronous — in which students engage with instructors and course material on their own time — courses will continue to be offered in the summer and fall. 

As Penn State’s priority is the health and well-being of its students, 员工和当地社区, the University is preparing for a variety of scenarios if circumstances or guidance from the government and public health authorities requires a reassessment of the plan before the start of the summer and/or fall semesters. 扩大ed in-person learning is contingent on the latest health and safety guidelines, including physical distancing requirements, as they are adjusted over the summer and fall in response to the state of the pandemic.

“我们已经做好了充分准备, 就像我们过去一样, to pivot in response to changing pandemic conditions; however, we are excited at the prospect of coming back together again, and I am greatly looking forward to seeing our vibrant community of students, 教师 and staff fully engaged once again in on-campus life,巴伦说.  

The University will share additional information in the coming weeks and months about course registration and other aspects of its operations, including opportunities for engagement outside of the classroom. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 virusinfo.事业单位.edu.