新肯辛顿 alumni society sets standard in awarding $6,000 in 奖学金


杰克DelloStritto, 他是免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校生物医学工程技术专业的二年级学生, 在BET实验室测试病人监护设备. 


宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. ——就像美国女子在里约奥运会上横扫三枚100米栏奖牌一样, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的工程技术专业学生在免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿校友会学术竞赛中包揽了三项奖学金.

校友会的捐款总额创下了6美元的世界纪录,000英镑的奖学金岌岌可危, 内森Piluso, of Kittanning; 杰克DelloStritto, of Monroeville; and 贾斯汀蠢的, 宾夕法尼亚山, 他们并列获得金牌, 每人挣2美元,000年奖. The scholarship total eclipsed the $5,500 given to campus students a year ago.

The students were chosen for the 奖学金 based on their academic status (sophomore, 大三或大四), 累计平均绩点(3.0最低), 居住的县(阿勒格尼, Armstrong, 巴特勒或威斯特摩兰)和一个论述题(“你为什么觉得校友愿意回馈新肯辛顿校区?, and how do you feel you will give back after graduation?"). 在他们的文章中, 他们表示,由于新肯辛顿的学习氛围,他们希望以校友的身份与校园保持联系.

“我们很高兴。, 再一次, to present 奖学金 to 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 students,维拉·斯皮纳·格林沃尔德说, 学会会长. “在过去的一年里,我们优秀的志愿者团队孜孜不倦地为学生们做着力所能及的事情. I am tremendously grateful to the campus community for its support of our society. We look forward to continuing to grow our scholarship each year.”

内森Piluso (Kittanning高中)
A senior in the electro-mechanical engineering technology (EMET) program, Piluso earned his second alumni society scholarship. Two years ago, he received a $1,500 award as a sophomore.

皮鲁索投了3分.93 grade-point average, is a member of the EMET mentor program. 由EMET教师开发的导师计划为EMET专业的新生提供指导.

“我自愿成为这些新生的导师,努力让他们了解我在EMET项目中所花费的时间,皮鲁索说. “用我过去的经验来帮助下一代学生提高他们自己的校园体验,感觉很棒.”

EMET的学士学位课程强调与工程技术相关的所有领域的典型, 高度自动化的生产, 生产, 或者装配厂流程. EMET毕业生将获得将当前方法和技术应用于发展所需的技能, design, operation, 机电系统的管理.

教室外, 这位基坦宁高中的毕业生运用他在工程课程中学到的知识来帮助他的社区. He set up electrical wiring as a utility worker for the Fort Armstrong Folk Festival.

Piluso, who graduates in May, savors his “Penn State experience” at the 新肯辛顿 campus. 在他的文章中,他将这种经历称为“校园里任何人都有机会享受的商品”.”

“在新肯辛顿校区, 这种经历对每个学生来说都是一个成功的机会,在所有可用的资源下实现他们的目标,皮鲁索在他的文章中写道, “帮助下一代.”

Sgt. 杰克DelloStritto (伍德兰希尔斯高中)
陆军国民警卫队的中士, DelloStritto begins his second year in the Biomedical Engineering Technology (BET) program, 他有3个.4 GPA. 副学士学位课程以培养高素质和知识渊博的技术人员而闻名. 医疗服务提供者, 包括医院和诊所, rely on biomedical engineering technicians to operate, maintain, 进行故障排除, 修理医疗设备. 校园项目是全国仅有的四个项目之一,由工程技术认证委员会的技术认证委员会认证.

作为第28步兵师的一员, one of the most decorated infantry divisions in the Army, 德洛斯特里托的军旅经历给他灌输了一种责任感,他把这种责任感带到了校园里. 还有一年就要毕业了, DelloStritto期待着加入校友会,为未来的校园学生开展课外活动.

在他的文章中, “骄傲:回馈,” DelloStritto wrote: “Volunteering is a frequent activity of mine, 我非常喜欢与学校分享我生活的这一方面,帮助管理和策划学生活动,并为这些项目捐款. 给学生一个“出去”的地方,让他们可以和其他学生一起放松,释放大学的日常压力对我来说非常重要, and the alumni association is the best way to aid in keeping this possible.”

DelloStritto以社区服务的历史来支持他关于回馈校园的言论. 他的信仰活动包括在门罗维尔神召会青年小组担任志愿者,担任敬拜领袖, 还有他的妻子, 在海龟溪的梦想中心教堂, 宾西法尼亚.  He has participated in mission trips to Washington, D.C.他还在匹兹堡的一个无家可归者组织发放食物和衣服.

贾斯汀蠢的 (宾州山高中)
笨蛋,EMET专业大二学生,成绩3分.GPA 25,是学校“荣誉计划”的成员.”

专为各专业的优等生设计, the Honors program is rooted in academic achievement and scholarship commitment. 学生设计他们头两年的学习,并在荣誉课程和独立学习中与教授和其他荣誉学生密切合作. The program emphasizes developing stronger communications skills in writing, speaking, 演讲, 和讨论. Participants receive $3,500 honors 奖学金 each year.

达姆的文章强调了校友对培养他们职业的校园的承诺. While some alumni earned bachelor’s degrees at the 新肯辛顿 campus, others used the campus as a springboard to an undergraduate degree at University Park campus.

“我相信免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的校友愿意回馈校园,因为免费mg不朽情缘试玩对他们的生活产生了重大影响, 他们也明白他们的支持可以改变现在和未来学生的生活. Whether alumni spent all four years at 新肯辛顿, or spent two there and two at main (University Park campus), 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 helped them to learn the skills needed to start their careers, 创造自己的生活, and continue the traditions and friendships they gained from Penn State,达姆在他的文章中写道.

More than 50 percent of campus alumni complete their undergraduate degrees at another campus. 这个程序叫做 2 + 2方案, and University Park is the most popular destination.

当他不在学校的时候, Dumm is in the community volunteering at many nonprofit organizations, including Toys for Tots and Greater Pittsburgh Area Food Bank. 除了, 他是他所在教堂的侍从,也是基督教教义联盟(CCD)课程的助理老师, 也被称为天主教主日学校.

The alumni society’s endowed scholarship was established in 1992 and fully endowed at $15,6年后的今天. 该协会在2015年突破了10万美元大关. Recently, 校友团体向学校赠送了10美元,000 check for the scholarship fund to increase the endowment to $120,000.

该捐赠基金的资金来自8月份在阿诺德·帕尔默的拉特罗布乡村俱乐部举行的校友高尔夫球比赛的收益, and the bowlathon in March at Wildlife Lanes in Lower Burrell. 这两项活动今年筹集了超过2.3万美元.

As the scholarship fund grows, so does the amount of the annual awards. 总共1美元,300 in 奖学金 went to the first campus recipients — Kelly Doyle, 塔拉·穆雷尔和尼古拉斯·威考斯基. This year's recipients each received more than the total of the inaugural recipients. Since 1998, the society has awarded $60,000 to 62 campus students. Besides, Piluso, 只有丹妮卡·迈尔斯(2005), 2007)和朱莉·阿瓦伊(2006), 2008) were multiple winners of an alumni society scholarship.

免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校和我们的支持者已经采取了非常措施来解决学生的经济需求. 这是连续第二年, 学费保持稳定,确保所有学生都能获得高质量的学术课程,凯利·科尔曼说, director of development and alumni relations at the campus. “我们的校友和朋友们有着同样的愿景和意愿,要维持我们负担得起和获得机会的传统.  免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的支持者使该校有可能获得超过304美元的奖金,去年有1000万. 我们感谢校友会的支持,感谢他们通过提供奖学金,减轻学生的经济负担,为我们的学生敞开大门.”

三个工科学生, along with all 2016-17 scholarship recipients from the campus, 将于10月举行. 20美元,在希尔·克雷斯特乡村俱乐部举行招待会. 该活动为校友会董事会成员提供了与奖学金获得者亲自接触的机会.

“我们对今年的获奖者感到无比自豪, and we can't wait to meet them at the scholarship reception,斯皮纳·格林沃尔德说.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 PSNK校友会.

PSNK校友会 Scholarship Recipients, 1998-2016

1999: Jillian Savko, Edward Lee, George Madalay
2000: Holly Bell, Karen Bridge, Kimberly Lowers, Theresa Smith, Toni Vokes
2001: Wendy Jarmul, Nicole Palucacos, Joseph Caliguri, James Dykes
2002: Ray Mastre, Matthew Marziale, Charlotte Caldwell, Dana Tolatta
2003: Pat Olstein, Kenneth Kocon, Charlene Barker, Shawn Vause
2004: Jeffrey Arvay, Krista Goch, Jamie Conrad, Crystal Gilliland, Kelly Mitchell
2005: Shirley Betush, Melissa Franklin, Danica Myers
2006: Jeffery Mangone, Marie Rosenberger, Julie Arvay
2007年:Kristin Clyde, Danica Myers
2008: Julie Arvay
2010: Melissa Gemballa, Ericka Watson, Jaclyn Burkett
2011: Gretchen Toy, Shanna Williams, Vanessa Peck, Justin Tinnemeyer, Corey Zell
2012年:Lauren Richards, Brandi Ritenour
2013: Joshua Swinehart, Jennifer Phillips, Caitlyn Cody
2014: 内森Piluso, Nathan Schartner, Justine Rojeski, Jay Eiler
2015: Lynsie Headley, Alissa Dolensky, Adis Juklo, Carley  Carnahan
2016: 内森Piluso, 杰克DelloStritto, 贾斯汀蠢的



