新肯辛顿 student-athletes organize food drive

Student-Athlete Advisory Committee's inaugural collection exceeds goal
Student loads food donations into car

免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 student-athletes load a car full of items collected for a Thanksgiving food drive.

Credit: 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 体育运动

宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. — 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校's student-athletes, faculty and staff went above and beyond to help others in the community with this year's inaugural Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Thanksgiving food drive.

The committee's overarching goal is to enhance the total student-athlete experience by promoting opportunities for all student-athletes, protecting the student-athletes' well-being and fostering a positive student-athlete image. Although the pandemic created changes to their usual plans — as well as canceled the fall athletics season — the 14-member committee has found ways to engage the student-athlete population through virtual activities and meetings. In addition, the group committed to try to collect donations on campus through a food drive.

10月开始. 12, the student-led advisory committee sponsored the drive to benefit the Allegheny Valley Association of Churches in Natrona Heights, which operates a local food bank serving nearly 500 families. In addition, there was a friendly competition to see which team could collect the most items.

约瑟夫Dusabe, the committee's community service representative from the men's basketball team, said the group chose to hold the food drive in order to aid those in need and also help keep everybody safe due to limits on volunteer opportunities during the pandemic.

"I know I can't solve all the world's problems simultaneously, but I do know that I can ensure that one less individual or family goes hungry for a period of time,杜莎贝说。.

Calle Zmenkowski, the committee's president and representative of the softball team, said the team was initially nervous when the drive started, due to lower in-person populations on campus, but had hopes to collect at least 200 donations by the end of the food drive.

After a three-week period the committee exceeded that goal, 获得超过1,000件, with the women's volleyball team collecting the most with 330 donations.

"My expectations have been met and more," said Zmenkowski. "I am super excited with the amount of donations and the efforts of everyone on campus, 即使在这个不确定的时代. I knew deep down that our small campus community would easily be able to come together and donate so many items for those in need because everyone at this campus has such big he艺术 and cares for our community."

Megan Bratkovich, director of athletics, echoed Zmenkowski's sentiments.

"I'm extremely proud that we were able to make such a sizable donation during this time,布拉特科维奇补充说. "It shows the great character and caring nature of our student-athletes."

With the food drive reaching a successful conclusion and the academic semester in it's final weeks, the importance of the advisory committee also became even more evident during the pandemic.

“在这个前所未有的时代, the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee is an important tool and communication network to unite our student-athletes as a group,特雷西·古斯塔夫森说, assistant director of athletics and adviser of the group. "This was evident in their response to the food drive and their desire to help others when some may have been in need themselves." 

珍妮特瑟, senior communications major and student-athlete at the campus, 本文作者.